Yesterday Congressman Bobby Rush had a meeting with police, prosecutors, and criminologists about the 50+ women on the South & West side of Chicago. According to Thomas Hargrove who is the head of “Murder Accountability Project”, out D.C says, 94 percent of the victims were found in outdoor locations -- trashcans, alleys or abandoned homes. Hargrove also found that 76 percent of the victims are African American and 75 percent of the murders had a clear sexual component to them.

And lastly Hargrove claims, the median age of the victims has gradually been increasing over the last 15 years, which experts say may indicate this could be a single offender committing these crimes. "This would be commensurate with a killer who is comfortable with older targets, and perhaps becoming more comfortable as he or they age,” said Hargrove. He gave a warning that the killer or killers are targeting sex workers and women with a history of drug addiction. Anyone in that demographic should take precautions. Ladies let's be careful out there and look out for one another!

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