Hometurf Artist of The Month - G.S. The Brand

Calshaun Devar Vinson, known professionally as G.S The Brand was born in Chicago, IL on June 11th. At the tender age of 4, G.S The Brand began to find his voice and fought with himself between his passions of music and basketball. Music eventually won the battle of his heart. He looked to writing and music as his sanctuary when life thickened. When he lost his best friend, Dan, it pushed him to pursue hip-hop.

He discovered versatility and decided at that moment he wanted to connect with people through storytelling. Throughout the next few years, G.S The Brand experienced the unfortunate losses of his brothers, Larell and Montez, causing him to take a break from music. However, in 2011 G.S The Brand completely rebrand himself and revisited his sound.

 In addition to writing, G.S The Brand also conquered audio engineering, and cinematography. After 2014, G.S The Brand took other avenues other than music. He put his focus on artist development of his nephew, Kyngg Tayy. Today, G.S The Brand continues to persevere. Writing is his life, period. He wants to be the voice and have the qualities to inspire hope and reason for love, for life, for longing. He lives to build a brand for not only himself, but also his children, Armani and Bella

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