91-Year-Old Beaten In Chinatown

 A 91-year-old man was rushed to a hospital after being beaten in a Chinatown attack, Chicago Police said.

Officers said the incident happened in the 2400 block of S. Wentworth around 12:10 p.m. Tuesday.

As paramedics worked on 91-year-old Yen Jit Wong, witnesses quickly led law enforcement to his alleged attacker.

Wong’s family told CBS 2, off-camera, the 91-year-old regained consciousness several hours after the attack.

Deputy Eddie Garcia was driving through the area when the attack happened. An off-duty Chicago Police Sergeant was also in the area and stopped to help catch the suspect.

The 91-year-old was rushed to Northwestern Hospital for treatment. Wong’s family said doctors believe he has some bleeding in his brain, along with a fracture in his shoulder. Doctors are waiting for scans to determine the severity of his injuries.

The victim’s son-in-law, Eddie Lau, said he believes Wong was attacked for no reason. He said Wong was walking back home, carrying his cane when the offender came up and hit him.

Wong’s family owns Furma Restaurant in Chinatown. The 91-year-old is known to many in the neighborhood for his daily walks up and down Wentworth.

“It’s totally ridiculous. It does not make sense,” said Raymond Wu, a Chinatown business owner. “I usually saw him walking down the street.”

Chicago Police said the suspect is 45-years-old and charges are pending.


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