Photo: Getty Images
One of Nardo Wick's fans was attacked following the Florida rapper's show in Tampa.
On Tuesday, November 28, TMZ posted a video of a violent altercation that occurred outside of Club Skye. In it, you can see 20-year-old George Obregon, Jr. make his way toward Nardo Wick as he was leaving the venue. That's when one of Wick's bodyguards sucker-punched him on the right side of his face. The fan held his ground while in shock before another person from Wick's camp continued to punch him until he fell to the floor. Wick tried to hold his boy back but the damage was already done.
The attack happened at around 1:15 a.m. So far, the attackers have not been identified and Tampa police are currently looking for them. The first attacker hit Obregon so hard that he hit his head against the concrete wall of the venue. He was taken to a nearby hospital and was treated for his injuries. Obregon reportedly suffered from a serious concussion with hemorrhaging in some areas. He's currently in critical yet stable condition.
"I want everyone to see what these mother f**kers did to my son!!!!!" Obregon's mother wrote in a Facebook post. "At no point was my son aggressive at no f**kin point did she show any sign of harm!!! My son wanted a stupid f**kin picture with his favorite artist!!!! And This is what he gets!!!!!!! I am sick to my stomach to think about how this could have turned out!!!!"
Not long after the video went viral, Nardo Wick issued a statement on his Instagram page.
“I don't condone what happened to my fan George after my show in any type of way,” Nardo wrote. “I expressed to him and his mama how sorry and concerned I was that it happened to him, multiple times before anything was even posted or on the internet. I sent his mama my number instantly the night it happened. I was even gone make a post to try to find out who he was before his mama text me. I cant control another grown man actions, I ain't know that was gone happen, and I was mad when it happened. I tried to stop it as u can see in the video, and if somebody got the longer video you can see how mad I was, I love and appreciate all my fans and don't condone in what happened at all dat s**t ain't gangsta or cool in no type of way.”