One Illinois City Named Among The 'Worst Run' Cities In The US

Abandoned buildings - Springfield, Massachusetts

Photo: iStockphoto

Would you say that your city is properly run? There are a few cities scattered across the country where conditions including "financial stability, education, healthcare, safety, economy, infrastructure, and pollution" might not be quite up to par with the rest of the country, per Engineer Your Finances.

21 cities in particular have given this reputation based on the above factors, and we're going to dive into exactly why that is.

According to the list, the worst run city in all of Illinois is Chicago. This city was also included when naming the worst run cities in the country. Other cities on the list included Chattanooga, Tennessee, Toledo, Ohio, Jackson, Mississippi, and more.

Here's what Engineer Your Finances (who sourced their list from Wallet Hub) had to say about one of the worst run cities in the entire country:

"A trend on this list is cities with budgets that City Hall mismanages, but none are as bad as Chicago. Incredibly generous pension benefits consume over 20% of the city’s budget, all while it faces a rising crime rate and a strained educational system. Over the next few years, it’s expected that Chicago will keep falling down this list as new businesses refuse to move to the city and the high taxes drive more residents out."

For a continued list of the worst run cities across America visit

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