DL Hughley shares an emotional moment with son, Kyle Hughley, on his late night TV talk show.George Lopez was the most recent guest on Hughle's show, where they spoke about Kyle Hughley and his mild form of autism.The interview took a quick and touching shift as Kyle Hughley mentions his insecurity with his condition.Kyle Hughley mentions the hatred he thought his father had for him because of the many jokes his father makes about his autism. "It's hard to figure out when people are joking or being sarcastic. There was a time I actually thought my father hated me." Kyle Hughley told his father.

DL Hughley then comforted his son reassuring him the shame he felt personally for passing the condition on to his son. "Not one moment have I ever been not proud or loved you. You're the best thing I've ever done." DL Hughley told son. Kyle says that he now has an amazing relationship with his father and as he’s gotten older, he understands why he says the things he says.

Watch the interview here!

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