She was on Angela Yee's lip service and said "“It hurts. Pain.. Not wanting a big butt anymore… I already got 4 reductions already. There’s levels to this reduction s**t…It’s way harder to take it out… I just wanted a more natural body.” and she revealed "” I went to Carlos Gomez. He’s in Columbia, he’s really good with reconstruction and I’ve sent a lot of women to him… When I wanted to do a removal, nobody wants to tell you that s**t… Nobody want to give that s**t [information] out. But I gave my doctor out to woman and shared my story through vlogging because I wanted to be able to help people the way I wanted to be helped.” .
Trey White is born and raised on the South Side of Chicago. He is a graduate of King College Prep high school and a proud HBCU graduate of Xavier...Full Bio